
Zeh named vice provost for graduate education and dean of Grad School

Former chair of Faculty Senate cited for impressive credentials

Zeh named vice provost for graduate education and dean of Grad School

Former chair of Faculty Senate cited for impressive credentials

David Zeh, professor and chair of the Department of Biology, has been named vice provost for graduate education and dean of the Graduate School, Provost Kevin Carman announced this week in a campus-wide email.

"In addition to his impressive credentials as a researcher and teacher, Chair of Biological Sciences, and past Chair of the Faculty Senate, David brings great enthusiasm for this important new leadership role for UNR," Carman wrote.

Zeh is a 1978 graduate of Southampton College, and received his Ph.D. in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology from the University of Arizona in 1986. He was a postdoctoral fellow from 1987-91 at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Balboa, Republic of Panama and was an NSF/NATO postdoctoral fellow in 1992 in the Department of Genetics at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, before beginning his career at the University.

Zeh's research agenda has focused on investigating the implications of non-Mendelian genetic mechanisms for multiple levels in the evolutionary hierarchy.

Carman thanked the other candidates for the position, including finalist Victoria Follette from the Department of Psychology, "for their willingness to be considered for this position. It is comforting to know that UNR has such a wealth of talent upon which to draw." Carman also extended a special note of appreciation for Marsha Read, who served as Dean of the Graduate School and Vice President for Research for the past several years. Read's distinguished career at the University culminates in June with her retirement.

Zeh's formal appointment begins April 1.

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