The William J. Raggio Building will reopen its doors Saturday, Oct. 18 after a hot water line related to the HVAC system broke early morning Tuesday, Oct. 14, forcing the building to close through the week. The Facilities Services Department is finalizing cleanup to prepare the building for reopening.
The computer lab on the northwest corner of the building (Room 103) continues to be in use and can be accessed through the lab's exterior door. Classes and other services housed in the William J. Raggio Building continue to be rescheduled and relocated through Friday, Oct. 17. Alternate class locations are being communicated to department schedulers and course administrators. Students with classes in the building have received communication about their class from faculty or their course administrator.
Faculty and staff, including student workers, can continue to access the third and fourth floors of the building, via the south entrance, starting at 7 a.m. each day. The building's day-care center and Early Learning Center, a Washoe County School District classroom, remain open in the Raggio Building as they were not impacted by the water line break.
Facilities has been working to thoroughly inspect the building, cleanup damage caused by the water line break and restore services as quickly as possible. They have also taken the opportunity to repaint some classrooms and fix other odds and ends providing a "facelift" that will be noticed when people return to the building. The broken water line originated on the second floor of the north side auditorium, causing water damage, broken ceiling tiles and computer damage in at least one computer lab.
People are asked to stay out of the work area to allow easy access for facilities and repair services.
The Raggio Building houses the College of Education and related programs. All other buildings and services on campus are operating with regular services and on normal schedules.
William J. Raggio Building set to open Saturday
Facilities Services Department readies the building for reopening