Healthy, happy, active, fit

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension All 4 Kids program addresses childhood obesity

Healthy, happy, active, fit

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension All 4 Kids program addresses childhood obesity

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension's All 4 Kids: Healthy, Happy, Active, Fit program was recently highlighted in International Innovation for its outstanding contributions to the childhood obesity epidemic.

All 4 Kids© was developed in 2008 to target childhood obesity issues within the US, and encourage preschool children to make positive nutritional choices and enjoy physical activities on a regular basis as part of a healthy lifestyle. Over the past five years, the project has expanded considerably and is now receiving nationwide recognition.All 4 Kids

Cooperative Extension faculty members, Anne Lindsay, exercise physiologist, along with Drs. Madeleine Sigman-Grant, child nutrition and breastfeeding education specialist, and Teresa Byington, early childhood education specialist, collaborated to create this unique program in 2008. Since its inception, All 4 Kids© has reached close to 5,000 preschool children, teachers and families in Nevada, Oklahoma, Connecticut and New Jersey.

In the All 4 Kids© International Innovation article, topics addressed include: an overview of problems associated with childhood obesity; the main components of the "Ecological Model" that the program implemented; the long term plans for the program; the program structure; and information on the YouTube videos developed to compliment other established health and nutrition programs.

Read the entire article. International Innovation, published by Research Media, is the leading global dissemination resource for the wider scientific, technology and research communities, dedicated to disseminating the latest science, research and technological innovations on a global level. More information and a complimentary subscription offer to the publication can be found at: www.international-innovation-northamerica.com.

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