Mackay Muckers
Join the Mackay Muckers for an experience like no other! The teams compete in old-school mining techniques and have been going strong since taking home their first gold medal in 1983. Travel each year to the annual Intercollegiate Mining Competition to compete against teams from all over the world.
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Geography Club
The goal of this organization is to provide its members with a friendly environment to enrich their knowledge and pursue their interests in geography. Our purpose is to help students to connect with each other while learning through outdoor activities, giving back to the community all while having a good time.
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Mackay Rockhounds
Join the student chapter of the American Institute of Professional Geologists. Our focus is to help students become familiar with the world of Earth Sciences by providing a community to connect them with our School, industry and the many opportunities that exist. We help transform students into competent professionals through outside education and experience while providing an interactive and robust community having a strong member camaraderie.
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Nevada Resource Geoscientists (NRG) Club
The Nevada Resource Geoscientists (NRG) is the affiliated student chapter for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists at the 推荐杏吧原创. NRG aims to foster interest in geoscience exploration for geothermal, oil, and gas natural resources. The club specifically focuses on promoting student professional development by sponsoring networking opportunities with industry professionals at technical seminars, workshops, and conferences. NRG hosts annual Career Panels, AAPG Visiting Geoscientist guest speakers, and students to attend the Rocky Mountain Section AAPG local affiliate meetings. Student members have attended every Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society monthly meeting for free since spring semester 2019. Undergraduate and graduate student members of all majors and interest levels are welcome.
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John Mackay Club
Join the student chapter of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration. The club serves to connect students with industry, promote professional development, and provide a social outlet for students. Each year the club sends members to the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, where they compete in a mine design competition and have traditionally placed very well. The Club also fields multiple teams for the International Intercollegiate Mining Competition.
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