
Sophie Rothman

Doctoral Student
Sophie Rothman in whitewater rafting gear in front of some rapids
She, her, hers


I am a third-year graduate student studying fluvial geomorphology with Joel Scheingross and Scott McCoy. My research focuses on erosion in steep bedrock channels and how the different types of river erosion (waterfalls!) and other internal feedbacks can alter the shape of landscapes. My work involves remote sensing and numerical modeling as well as some field excursions. Originally from Seattle, WA, I studied math and economics at Barnard College in NYC and worked at IBM Global Business Services in Boston before the mountains and rivers made me change course and come to Reno. In my free time, I love to take advantage of the incredible outdoors by trail running, biking, kayaking on the Truckee, Yuba or American, or other rivers, and skiing.

Research interests

  • Fluvial geomorphology
  • Landscape evolution modeling
  • Bedrock erosion
  • Remote sensing
  • Cosmogenic dating
  • Sediment transport


BA from Barnard College of Columbia University, 2017


Deans Merit Scholar, 2019