
Joshua Ozymy, Ph.D.

Joshua Ozymy


Joshua Ozymy is a Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice. He was previously a Professor of Political Science at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, where he was also Director of the Honors Program, Director of Strategic Initiatives, and President (Speaker) of the Faculty Senate. His research centers on U.S. environmental policy and law, with a focus on enforcement and sanctioning, institutional change, environmental justice and grassroots participation. His scholarship appears in over 80 journal articles and chapters and two books. His current book-length manuscript examines the enforcement of U.S. water pollution laws from the Reagan to Biden Administration.

Recent publications

  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Toxic Intent: Environmental Harm, Corporate Crime, and the Criminal Enforcement of Federal Environmental Laws in the United States. Washington, D.C: Environmental Law Institute Press. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. You Dirty Dogs: Prosecuting Environmental Criminals under the U.S. Clean Water Act. Forthcoming in Environs. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Prosecuting Companies for Environmental Crimes under the Toxic Substances Control Act: Implications for Environmental Justice Communities. Forthcoming in Environmental Law. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Persistence or Desistence: Prosecuting Environmental Crimes During the Trump and Obama Administrations. Ecology Law Quarterly 50: 55-92. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Hazardous Criminals: Prosecuting Individuals for Superfund Crimes. Connecticut Public Interest Law Review 22(2): 103-125.
  • 2023 Melissa Jarrell Ozymy and Joshua Ozymy. Making Bad Decisions with Toxic Emissions: Analyzing the Prosecution of Companies for Superfund Crimes. Washington Journal of Social & Environmental Justice 13(2): 30-53. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. From Austin to Santa Fe: Exploring the Prosecution of Environmental Crimes within EPA Region 6. Forthcoming in Natural Resources Journal 63(2): 314-336. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Does the Criminal Enforcement of Federal Environmental Law Reduce Crime? The Case of The U.S. Clean Air Act. Journal of Environmental Law & Litigation 38(1): 101-135. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Lone Star Crime: Analyzing the Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Law in the State of Texas. St. Mary’s Law Journal 54(4): 1095-1124. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. State of Mind or State of Crime: Exploring the Prosecution of Environmental Crimes in the Western United States. Public Land & Resources Law Review 46(1):1-31. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy, Melissa Jarrell Ozymy, and Danielle McGurrin. The Politics of the Criminal Enforcement of The U.S. Clean Water Act. Villanova Environmental Law Journal 34(1): 1-35. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy, Melissa Jarrell Ozymy, and Danielle McGurrin. The Politics of the Criminal Enforcement of the Toxic Substances Control Act. Seattle Journal of Technology, Environmental, & Innovation Law 13(1): 1-20. 
  • 2023 Melissa Jarrell Ozymy and Joshua Ozymy. The Politics of the Criminal Enforcement of Superfund. Forthcoming in the Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agricultural, and Environmental Law. 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Beyond Midnight Dumping: Prosecuting Companies for Environmental Crimes under the U.S. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Journal of Law, Business & Ethics 29: 57-76 
  • 2023 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. The Politics of the Criminal Enforcement of FIFRA, 1983-2021. Drake Journal of Agricultural Law 27(3): 357-383. 
  • 2022 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Significant Harm, Culpable Conduct, and the Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Law in New England. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 24(1): 25-49. 
  • 2022 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. The Politics of the Criminal Enforcement of The U.S. Clean Air Act, 1983-2021. Forthcoming in the William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 47(2): 197-224. 
  • 2022 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Toxic Criminals: Prosecuting Environmental Offenders for Environmental Crimes under the U.S. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Sustainable Development Law & Policy Brief 23(1): 14-26. 
  • 2022 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Green Crimes in the Empire State: Analyzing the Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Law in New York. Pace Environmental Law Review 33(1): 1-34. 
  • 2022 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. All Dried Up: The Prosecution of water Pollution Crimes During the Trump Administration. Tulane Environmental Law Review 35(1): 69-90.
  • 2022 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. The Green Police in the Golden State: An Analysis of the Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Law in the State of California. Hastings Environmental Law Journal 28(1): 3-24. 
  • 2022 Joshua Ozymy. The Persistence of Vision. The Environmental Forum May/June: 27-33. 
  • 2022 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. The Green Police: Criminal Enforcement and the Prospects for Deterrence in the Era of Climate Change. Environmental Law Reporter 52(7): 10526-10538. 
  • 2022 Joshua Ozymy and Melissa Jarrell Ozymy. Evaporating into Thin Air: The Prosecution of Air Pollution Crimes During the Trump Administration. Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law 11(2): 233-256.