Ian Buckle
Foundation Professor, Emeritus

- Phone: (775) 784-1519
- Email: igbuckle@unr.edu
- Building:
- Room: 110
- Mail stop: 0258
Employment history
- Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 推荐杏吧原创: July 1999 -
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), University of Auckland: Feb 1997 - June 1999
- Deputy Director, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, and Professor of Civil Engineering, University at Buffalo, NY: Feb 1989 - Feb 1997
- Vice President (Research), Computech Services, Berkeley, CA: July 1984 - Feb 1989
- Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Auckland: Nov 1969 - June 1984
Current and recent appointments
- Vice Chair, Caltrans Seismic Advisory Board (2005- )
- Vice Chair, High Speed Rail Seismic Advisory Board (2017- )
- Member Institutional Board, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2017- )
- Past President and Chair, Board of Directors, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
- Past Chair, Executive Committee, American Society of Civil Engineers Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
- Past Chair, Transportation Research Board Committee AFF50: Seismic Design and Performance of Bridges
- University of California, Berkeley, Postdoctoral Scholar, 1967-1969
- University of Auckland, New Zealand, Doctor of Philosophy, 1967
- University of Auckland, New Zealand, Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), 1963
- Best Research Paper, New Zealand Society Earthquake Engineering Annual Meeting (2017)
- Martin Duke Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Award, American Society of Civil Engineers (2016)
- Special Achievement Award, American Institute of Steel Construction, Co-Awardee (2014)
- Erskine Visiting Fellow, University of Canterbury (2012)
- Foundation Professor, University of Nevada Reno (2009- )
Research interests
- Seismic performance bridges and structures
- Tsunami performance of coastal bridges and structures
- Seismic performance of embedded structures and deep foundations
- Earthquake protective systems in general and seismic isolation in particular
Research publications
- Istrati, D., Buckle, I.G., 2019. Role of trapped air on the tsunami-induced transient loads and response of coastal bridges. Jl. Geosciences / Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 9 (191), doi: 10.3390/geosciences9040191
- Petrone, F., Mccallen, D. B., Buckle, I. G., Wu, S. 2018. Direct measurement of building transient and residual drift using an optical sensor system. Engineering Structures / Elsevier, 176, 115-126.
- Saad, A. S., Sanders, D. H., Buckle, I. G. 2018. Experimental evaluation of bridge column foundation rocking behavior. Bridge Engineering / American Society of Civil Engineers, 23 (11).
- Istrati, D., Buckle, I. G., Lomonaco, P., Yim, S. 2018. Deciphering tsunami wave impact and associated connection forces in open-girder coastal bridges. Marine Science and Engineering / Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 6 (148).
- Lomonaco, P., Istrati,D., Maddux, T., Buckle, I.G., Yim, S., Xiang, T., 2016. Large-Scale Testing of Tsunami Impact Forces on Bridges. Proc. 6th Intl. Conf. Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab16), Ottawa, Canada, May 10-13.
- Istrati, D., Buckle, I.G., Lomonaco, P., Yim, S., Itani, A.M., 2016. Large-scale Experiments of Tsunami Impact Forces on Bridges: The Role of Fluid-Structure Interaction and Air-Venting, Proc. 26th Conf. Intl. Soc. Ocean and Polar Engineering, Rhodes, Greece, June 26-July 1.
- Monzon, E., Buckle, I., and Itani, A., 2016. Seismic Performance and Response of Seismically Isolated Curved Steel I-Girder Bridge, Struc. Eng., American Society of Civil Engineers, DOI: 10.1061/ (ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001594.
- Kawashima, K., and Buckle, I. G., 2013. Structural Performance of Bridges in the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011. Spectra: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 29 (S1), S315-S338
- Buckle, I. G., Hube, M., Chen, G., Yen, W. H., and Arias, J., 2012. Structural Performance of Bridges in the Offshore Maule Earthquake of February 2010. Spectra: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 28 (S1), S533-S552
Synergistic activities
- Lead author of the seismic provisions in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LRFD Comprehensive Bridge Specifications (1998, 2007), the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design (Fourth Ed., 2014), and the Federal Highway Administration Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Structures (2006).
- Currently Principal Investigator for two interdisciplinary, large-scale, experimental projects, one related to tsunami inundation of coastal bridges and the other to soil-structure interaction of deep foundations and embedded structures.
- Member of earthquake reconnaissance teams to California, Chile, Costa Rica, Japan, and Taiwan.
- Co-instructor for short courses in LRFD seismic analysis and design of bridges for the National Highway Institute, as well as short courses, seminars, and webinars in seismic retrofitting and seismic isolation of highway bridges and buildings.
Current teaching
- CEE 725 Topics in Advanced Structural Analysis
- CEE 729 Seismic Isolation of Structural Systems
- CEE 731 Advanced Dynamics of Structures