
Outstanding Teacher

(Academics/Resident Instruction)


The Outstanding Teacher Award will be bestowed on the College faculty member who exemplifies an outstanding commitment toward undergraduate/graduate education. The criteria for this award will closely mirror those described for the University-wide teaching honor, the F. Donald Tibbitts Distinguished Teacher Award. The rationale for matching the criteria of the two awards is that the College awardee will subsequently become the College's nominee for the Tibbitts Award and USDA Regional Teaching Award. The Dean’s 0ffice staff will assist the awardee in the preparation of applications for all subsequent teaching awards.


Nominees must be full-time faculty members who have served in the College for at least three years and who have not previously received this award. Nominees must also be academic faculty members with regular teaching duties in the year of nomination.

Application packets will be reviewed by the College's Awards Committee and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.  Since the College is allowed two nominees for the Tibbitts Award, if the awardee of the Outstanding Teacher Award is not selected for the current year's Tibbitts Award, he/she will also be nominated, along with the Outstanding Teacher Awardee, for the following year's Tibbitts Award competition.


To nominate someone for this award, email their department chair

  • Agriculture, Veterinary & Rangeland Sciences - Barry Perryman
  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Bob Ryan
  • Natural Resources & Environmental Science - Melanie Duckworth
  • Nutrition - Chris Pritsos

Email Barry Email Bob Email Melanie Email Chris

Departments will select their nominee and submit the form below

Form questions include:

  • Please summarize in 75 words or less why this person is deserving of this award. This summary will be used on event materials).

Award materials to be submitted by faculty nominee:

1) A Teaching Portfolio that is an electronic Adobe PDF file with a Table of Contents and bookmarks. The Teaching Portfolio should include:

  • Narrative
    • Maximum 15 pages. The format is flexible, but should include:
      • Statement of teaching philosophy
      • Summary of teaching, including courses taught
      • Evidence of student engagement and success
      • Evidence of continued evaluation, reflection and improvement
      • Examples of teaching innovation, if appropriate
      • Examples of professional development
  • Complete evaluations from at least one and at most two classes (not included in the 15-page limit)
  • Biographical sketch – 2 pages maximum (not included in the 15-page limit)
  • Letters of support (not included in the 15-page limit)
    • From your Chair, colleagues or students.

2) Recommended materials for the Teaching Portfolio:

  • Peer Evaluations, such as classroom observations
  • Professional development activities (e.g., teaching-related workshops or trainings attended or taught)
  • Courses developed or refined
  • Involvement on student committees
  • Examples of innovative teaching approaches and materials, including WebCampus uses
  • Evidence of positive interactions with students

Submission Deadline

Nominations must be submitted by Friday, March 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.



For more information about nominating someone for an award, please contact Denise Haynie.

Contact Denise
Denise Haynie.