
Outstanding Leadership & Supporter Awards

(Academics & Extension)


  • Recognize individuals or groups whose exceptional efforts have furthered the educational, research or outreach missions of the College.


The Outstanding Leadership/Supporter Award recipients must be alumni or friends of the College whose dedication, commitment, service, partnership, leadership, social responsibility or mentorship to the College have significantly enriched the advancement of the institution, contributed to its reputation and/or enhanced departmental/unit programming.

The nominee(s) must not be employed by the College or the University on any funding source.

The criteria for this award draws from those described for University-wide awards for friends of the University.

The rationale for matching the criteria of these University awards with our award is that our awardee will subsequently be nominated for the University awards for which our awardee is competitive. Our nominees will also be nominated for University awards as appropriate.

Example of questions asked about the nominee on the nomination form:

  1. What is the nominee's name, address, phone number and email address?
  2. Is the nominee a group or entity with multiple members that should be recognized? If yes, please list all team members to be recognized (first and last names, separated by commas).
  3. Please describe all of the nominee's qualifications for the department/unit award suggested.

Submission Deadline

Nominations must be submitted by Friday, March 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.



For more information about nominating someone for an award, please contact Denise Haynie.

Contact Denise
Denise Haynie.