
Jack Hayes



My research interests are the evolutionary physiology and physiological ecology of animals, especially vertebrates. Currently, I am working on (1) macrophysiology of mammals and (2) testing the predictions of bioclimatic models with data on physiological performance. I am also interested in allometry and the statistics relating to allometric analyses, in methods for assessing body condition, and in trade-offs between immune function and other physiological variables.


  • 1988 PhD. University of California-Riverside

Postdoctoral research and professional experience

  • 10/88 - 3/90 Guyer Postdoctoral Fellow, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
  • 4/90 - 8/91 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Univ. of Aberdeen
  • 1/01-7/02 Program Director, Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology, NSF
  • 8/09 – 8/10 Sabbatical Visitor at Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid

Select publications

  • Downs, CJ, JL Brown, B Wone, ER Donovan, and JP Hayes. 2016. Speeding up growth: selection for mass-independent maximal metabolic rate alters growth rates. American Naturalist 187:295-307.
  • Wone, B, P Madsen, ER Donovan, M Labocha, MW Sears, CJ Downs, D Sorensen, and JP Hayes. 2015. A strong response to selection on mass-independent maximal metabolic rate without a correlated response in basal metabolic rate. Heredity 114:419-427.
  • Hayes, JP. 2014. Present-Day Genetic Correlations and Testing the Aerobic Capacity Model. American Naturalist 184:802-803 Labocha, MK, H Schutz, H, and JP Hayes. 2014. Which condition index is best? Oikos 123:111-119.
  • Wone, B, Donovan ER, Cushman JC, and Hayes JP. 2013. Metabolic rates associated with membrane fatty acids in mice selected for increased maximal metabolic rate. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 165:70-78.
  • Downs, CJ, JL Brown, B Wone, ER Donovan, K Hunter, and JP Hayes. 2013. Selection for increased mass-independent maximal metabolic rate suppresses innate but not adaptive immune function. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280(1754)
  • Downs, CJ, H Schutz, TH Meek, EM Dlugosz, W Acosta, KS Dewolski, JL Malisch, JP Hayes, and T Garland Jr. 2012. Within life-time trade-offs but evolutionary freedom for hormonal and immunological traits: evidence from mice bred for high voluntary exercise. Journal of Experimental Biology 215:1651-1661.
  • Labocha, MK and Hayes JP. 2012. Morphometric estimates of condition in birds. Journal of Ornithology 153(1):1-22.
  • Baze, MM, K Hunter, and JP Hayes. 2011. Chronic hypoxia stimulates an enhanced response to immune challenge without an energetic tradeoff. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:3255-3268.
  • Hayes, JP. 2010. Metabolic rates, genetic constraints, and the evolution of endothermy. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23(9):1868-1877.
  • Baze, MM, K Schlauch, and JP Hayes. 2010. Gene expression of the liver in response to chronic hypoxia. Physiological Genomics 41: 275 - 288.
  • Swallow, JG, JP Hayes, P Koteja, and T. Garland, Jr. 2009. Selection Experiments and Experimental Evolution of Performance and Physiology. Pages 301 to 351 in Garland, T., Jr., and M. R. Rose, eds. Experimental evolution: concepts, methods, and applications of selection experiments. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
  • Wone B, MW Sears, MK Labocha, ER Donovan, and JP Hayes. 2009 Genetic variances and covariances of aerobic metabolism in laboratory mice. Proc Royal Society B 276:3595-3704.
  • Sears, MW, JP Hayes, MR Banta, and D. McCormick. 2009. Out in the cold: physiological capacity influences behavior in deer mice. Functional Ecology 23:774-783.
  • Downs, C J, Hayes, JP, and CR Tracy. 2008. Scaling Metabolic Rate with Body Mass and Inverse Body Temperature: A Test of the Arrhenius Fractal Supply Model. Functional Ecology 29:239-244.
  • Hayes, JP and JS Shonkwiler. 2006. Allometry, antilog transformations, and the perils of prediction on the original scale. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 73: 665-674.