
5,304: Event Accessibility and Accommodation Policy

Revised: August 2018

Scope of Policy

The University's goal is to create a campus climate accessible to all, and proactively plan events free of physical, communication, and/or other barriers so all individuals may meaningfully participate in campus activities and events. This policy and related UAM provisions articulate the requirements for accessibility of events occurring in space owned or leased by the University. This policy applies to all faculty, staff, departments, recognized student organizations, and university-affiliated organizations. This policy relates to events, including meetings, programs, conferences, speaker presentations, workshops, trainings, gatherings, rallies, and other activities, which are either held at space owned or leased by the University or sponsored by the University and held at space owned or leased by a third party. The following matters are not within the scope of this policy: (1) reasonable accommodations in the hiring and employment of University personnel; or (2) reasonable accommodations for the academic needs of students with disabilities.


The definitions set forth in University Administrative Manual Section 5,302: Policy for Use of University Space are incorporated into this policy by reference.

1. Event Accommodation

The sponsor of an Event, Major Event, or University Event is responsible for making it meaningfully accessible and providing requested reasonable accommodations, which includes paying for any associated expense of an accommodation. The sponsor should begin considering accessibility to the event as early as possible, and may consult with the Disability Resource Center as needed for further information and suggested resources. Accommodations that fundamentally alter the nature of the event or result in undue financial or administrative burdens will not be required, however, in these circumstances, the sponsor must consider alternatives that do not cause a fundamental alteration or undue burden and that allow access to the maximum extent possible. Prior to denying an accommodation request, sponsors must consult with the Director of the Disability Resource Center.

2. Required Event Notification and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility

All institutional and departmental publications that describe or invite public participation in or attendance at Events, Major Events, or University Events and all University-sponsored events held in space owned or leased by third parties are required to contain the following statement:

"If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this event, please contact ___________ [insert: the sponsor contact person] by ______20_____ at [insert: telephone number, email, fax number]."

To the extent the event or publications regarding the event involve the use of instructional materials, websites, web content, or other information and communication technologies, the sponsor is also responsible for complying with University Administrative Manual 7,007: Information and Communication Technology Accessibility Policy in addition to this policy.

3. Outside Groups

Subject to the requirements and procedures set forth in University Administrative Manual Section 5,302: Policy for Use of University Space, Outside Groups sponsored by a University Group may be permitted to hold Events or Major Events in space owned or leased by the University. All publications for such Events or Major Events that invite public participation or attendance must include the notification identified above or a similar notification. The Outside Group and the sponsoring University Group must provide written assurances to the University that the Event or Major Event held in a University space will be meaningfully accessible. The accessibility assurances may be contained in the written agreement for use/rental of University space. Such agreements will require the Outside Group and the sponsoring University Group to ensure accessibility and provide reasonable accommodations.

4. Health and Safety

This policy does not require a sponsor to permit an individual to participate in an event when that individual's participation poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others. It would be a rare occurrence for an individual's participation to pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others. In determining whether an individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, the event organizer, in consultation with the Director of the Disability Resource Center must make an individualized assessment to ascertain the nature and severity of the risk; the probability of potential injury; and whether reasonable modifications or the provision of auxiliary aids or services will mitigate the risk.

5. Accessible Event Space

Events, Major Events, and University Events sponsored by the University will be held in space accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act unless the facility is an integral part of the event that cannot otherwise be accommodated.