
12: Revisions

Revised: September 2020

The usefulness of the Administrative Manual is dependent upon it being updated continuously. Changes and additions to the manual approved by the President will be made in the Administrative Manual on-line immediately after approval. Notification of changes are made to the campus community by the Office of the Provost.

All faculty and staff are encouraged to submit suggestions for revisions through the office of their respective vice president to the Office of the Provost which will forward the proposal to the Administrative Manual Policy Review Board.

Administrative Manual Policy Review Board

  1. Membership - The President appoints the members upon recommendation of the respective vice president. The Board consists of a ranking administrator (normally an assistant or associate vice president) in each of the major administrative divisions of the university plus up to two representatives, including an Executive Board representative, nominated by the Faculty Senate and a representative nominated by the Staff Employees Council. Once appointed, a member has an unlimited term and may continue to serve on the Board until the President appoints a different individual to represent that administrative division.
  2. Chair - The President, in consultation with the vice presidents, appoints the chair of the Board for a two-year term. At the discretion of the President, an individual can serve as chair for consecutive terms.
  3. Meetings - The Board meets on a monthly basis. The Office of the Provost, in consultation with the Chair of the Board, prepares an agenda comprised of all proposals for changes to the Administrative Manual needing review. A representative from the unit proposing the change may be invited to attend the Board meeting to answer any questions about the proposal.
  4. Responsibilities - The Board members are charged with reviewing proposals for compatibility and consistency with other university policies and for any potential implementation difficulties. On a periodic basis, the Board requests offices responsible for policies to review them for currency and to forward to the Board any needed updates.
  5. Reporting - The Board makes recommendations to the President through the Executive Vice President & Provost in the form of a memo from the Chair of the Board.

The President and Executive Vice President & Provost review the recommendations from the Board, along with the recommendations of the Faculty Senate. At his or her discretion, the President may seek further review from the President's Council, Faculty Senate Executive Board, General Counsel, or others.

The President notifies the Chair of the Administrative Manual Policy Review Board in writing after making a final decision on the proposal for change.

Once approved by the President, in accordance with the procedure above, the Chair of the Board forwards the approved revised items to the Office of the Provost for placement in the Administrative Manual.

The dates of approved revisions are noted on the revised sections. The Office of the Provost maintains archival files so that historical information is available if needed about policies in place in earlier years.